Introducing the Lissi Mobile Wallet 2.0

4 min readNov 12, 2020



  • The Lissi wallet 2.0 enables you to establish private peer-to-peer connections to third parties and exchange identity information.
  • It is developed by the Lissi Team within the Main Incubator GmbH, the research and development unit of the Commerzbank group.
  • The Lissi wallet 2.0 is available for Android and iOS.

Wallets: A tool to participate in a digital society

With an increasing digital life the importance of trusted digital relationships is paramount for a functioning society. However, to establish reliable communication channels via the internet, it’s necessary to re-invent digital identity. The Lissi team has dedicated the whole year to create an outstanding user experience for the Lissi mobile wallet.

An identity wallet provides the user with a user interface to receive, store, manage and share credentials as well as establish trusted connections to third parties. Self-sovereign wallets store all the data on the device of the user and handle the necessary technical aspects in the background. The application empowers individuals to take back agency over their digital lives and provide choice for their interactions.

The story behind the Lissi wallet

Lissi provides software components for individuals and institutions to gain data sovereignty. This includes our Lissi wallet, which we want to introduce in this article as well as our institutional agent. Lissi is a brand of the Main Incubator GmbH, which is the research and development unit of the Commerzbank group. We have been actively involved in the identity community for years and initiated and lead the IDunion consortia, which is fostered by the German Government. While we develop the Lissi wallet internally together with the Commerzbank AG, we co-develop the institutional agent together with the Technical University of Berlin, ING-Germany, Commerzbank AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Bundesdruckerei GmbH. If you want to test our institutional agent feel free to contact us via

Lissi Logo

The main incubator already developed a prototype called “Chain ID” in 2017, however it wasn’t user-friendly and well structured. Based on these learnings the first version of the Lissi Wallet was published early 2020. After that we conducted countless code-reviews, improvement processes, design reviews and feedback-cycles to come up with the status quo of the Lissi wallet. Additionally, we tested the Wallet in an UX-lab with experts in the field of user experience (UX) to identify potential problems and further improve the user-friendliness of the wallet.

A feature rich user experience

The wallet can be used to establish private peer-to-peer connections to third parties and exchange identity information. This information can either be self-attested, verified by a third party or a privacy preserving statement. The wallet illustrates all collected credentials directly when opening the wallet, but also offers a credential carousel, which can be used to get additional information about a particular credential, such as the attributes and the activity. The activity creates the necessary transparency for the user and records when a user shared information with a third party. The credential images illustrated below currently only work in combination with our institutional agent. However, we are looking forward to participating in standardization efforts of such images with the international community.

The application is separated in two parts. On the left side the user has the wallet, which contains the collected credentials and on the right side the contacts. This product design is not only easy to navigate, but also streamlines the user experience and decreases the initial complexity for the user.

Furthermore, the Lissi wallet also offers multiple privacy preserving features. These statements (e.g. income >= 40.000 Euro per year) are called zero knowledge proofs or predicates. They don’t reveal the actual information (e.g your exact income), but instead only confirm that the information is equal, above, under or exactly a certain threshold (e.g. 40.000 € per year). Another feature we already implemented is selective disclosure, which enables third-parties requesting information (also referred to as verifiers or relying parties) to only request a subset of attributes of a credential. When somebody wants to identify you and you show your electronic identification (eID) it’s e.g. not always necessary to also convey your address.

The status quo and the road ahead

This is a beta-launch, hence it’s for testing purposes only. Some functions still need further adjustment and the app might not always perform as expected. This enables interested parties to test the Lissi wallet in their use-case pilots and allows us to get direct feedback to further iterate on the product. A productive version is planned for early 2021.

You can now download the Lissi wallet for play store (Android) and App-Store (Apple iOS) and test it with our demo. Because we don’t lock you in our ecosystem and there are many other great SSI software providers, which we are actively working together with to enable seamless data portability and interoperability between different vendors. Should you have any comments or suggestions for feature implementations let us know via




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